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People perform AV Malformation Treatment in Rogers, AR


Understanding AV Malformation Treatment

It’s always important to listen to our body, but sometimes it can seem easier to ignore the warning signs and assume the problem will go away.

Even when you feel aches and pains, you might put off a doctor’s visit for another day. Unfortunately, minor inconveniences can turn into major problems if you don’t give them the attention they deserve.

But what happens when your condition doesn’t have any obvious symptoms? How can you identify your problem, and how can you treat it? At Ozark Regional Vein & Artery Center, we want to help treat your vascular conditions, even the ones you may not notice at first.

On today’s blog, we’re going to discuss a vascular condition that falls under the radar: arteriovenous malformations. Read on to learn more about this condition and our methods for AV malformation treatment in Rogers, AR.

All About AV Malformations

If you’re like many of our patients, you may be unfamiliar with AV malformations (or AVMs for short). When the body incorrectly forms blood vessels, they can become tangled, and as a result, these vessels will create direct connections between each other.

These connections can bypass the traditional vascular process. Your blood will move too quickly to provide your body’s tissue with necessary nutrients, like oxygen.

This can result in a number of different complications, some of them very serious. Although this condition is rare, affecting less than 1% of people, it’s still important to be mindful of common symptoms.

What Causes AV Malformations?

An AV malformation usually occurs in the developmental stages before or immediately following birth. AVMs can form anywhere, but certain areas may result in more severe conditions. AVMs in the brain can be especially dangerous.

A woman who cannot receive AV Malformation Treatment in Rogers, AR

Because of the traditionally asymptomatic nature of the condition, AVMs may go undiagnosed; in fact, many patients don’t notice their AVMs until they receive treatment for an unrelated concern.

Experts still aren’t sure what causes AVMs to form, but some specialists argue AVMs result from a genetic condition. No matter the cause, treatment is a necessary consideration for AVM patients. But how can you tell if you have an AV malformation?

The Symptoms of AV Malformations

Before we discuss common symptoms stemming from AVMs, it’s important to note that many patients with AVMs never notice any symptoms at all.

About 88% of people affected by AVMs are symptomless, but if you’re among the 12% of patients who do experience symptoms, you can expect to notice:

  • Headaches
  • Backaches
  • Muscle weakness
  • Facial paralysis
  • Speaking problems
  • Dizziness

These are just a few of the symptoms you may notice if you have an AVM. But because some of these symptoms aren’t severe, you still may want to ignore this condition. However, AVMs can lead to serious complications.

The Complications of AV Malformations

If you don’t have any severe AVM symptoms (or any symptoms at all), you should still consider treatment.

Ignoring AV malformations can result in seizures and strokes in certain patients. If a child has an AVM, then they might suffer from developmental delays that cause problems later in life. You may notice difficulties moving and speaking properly.

In very specific circumstances (less than 4% of all cases), a patient’s AVM could hemorrhage, which can be fatal. Don’t risk the consequences of an untreated AVM. Our team can provide an AV malformation treatment in Rogers, AR. But why should you meet with a specialist at Ozark?

Why You Need a Vein Specialist

One of the major advantages of seeking treatment from a vein and artery clinic is our expertise. If you were to seek help from an urgent care center or a primary care physician, they would almost certainly refer you to a specialist like us.

There are a variety of reasons you should consider meeting with a vascular specialist if you’re seeking AV malformation treatment in Rogers, AR.

We build each of our treatment plans from the ground up, so you don’t have to worry about receiving a treatment that won’t sufficiently address your vascular condition. At Ozark, your treatment is truly your treatment.

An Experienced Team

Another one of the major benefits of working with Ozark Regional is our team. Vascular conditions can lead to serious complications, so it’s important that we have the right providers on staff.

A provider who can perform AV Malformation Treatment in Rogers, AR

We only hire the most qualified specialists. Our team members have worked with countless patients, each with their own concerns and needs. You won’t ever surprise our providers, because they’ve seen it all.

Our only goal is getting you the treatment you deserve, so never be afraid to ask questions throughout the process. Seeing how the right procedure can transform a patient’s life is the reason we started this clinic.

State-of-the-Art Imaging

We don’t just have the benefit of hands-on experience, we also have access to technology that general clinics do not. In order to diagnose vascular treatments, you need the right imaging technology.

Each of our imaging options can help diagnose different conditions in certain areas of the body. When you receive treatment from one of our specialists, we want to be sure that you’re getting the best care possible.

At Ozark Regional Vein & Artery Center, we have a variety of imaging options for accurately diagnosing your condition. Our specialists can dig past the surface and find the right treatment for your needs.

Treating Symptoms

The strategy for your AV malformation treatment in Rogers, AR, may vary greatly depending on the specifics of your condition.

In young patients, AV malformation may disappear without intervention, so the first step in any treatment strategy is to monitor the size of a patient’s AVM carefully.

If the AVM does not disappear but maintains a consistent size, invasive treatment may not be necessary. However, patients may feel discomfort as a result of their AVM. In that case, we can take measures to lessen or ease the pain. Patients can take medication, and in some cases, a provider may physically alleviate pressure on the AVM.

This can help patients feel much more comfortable as we continue to monitor the growth. When a provider notices growth in a patient’s AVM, they may need to take more invasive measures.

Treating the Root Cause

Treating symptoms may be an effective option for some patients, but others may need greater intervention for AV malformation treatment in Rogers, AR. An effective option for AVM treatment is sclerotherapy.

Sclerotherapy is a treatment that involves intentionally sealing off a problematic vein. Traditionally, providers perform this treatment to eliminate varicose veins or spider veins, but it is also an excellent choice to decrease the size of stubborn AV malformations.

The process of treating a varicose vein and an AV malformation is very similar—let’s take a closer look at the details of this procedure. 

The Sclerotherapy Process

On the day of your procedure for sclerotherapy, we’ll get you checked in and bring you back to the treatment area to get comfortable. Then, our provider will make injections in specific areas to target AV malformation.

A man performs AV Malformation Treatment in Rogers, AR

Your provider may use an ultrasound to better locate your AVMs. The injection contains a solution known as sclerosant, which causes problematic veins to shut down.

While this might sound like a severe measure, the body automatically adapts to a closed vein, redirecting the blood flow to healthier vessels. That’s all there is to it.

After this procedure is complete, your AVMs may shrink, but they will not disappear entirely. Still, you should notice a reduction in your symptoms and any discomfort stemming from them.

Recovering Following a Sclerotherapy Treatment

Following your sclerotherapy procedure, your provider will give you some instructions to help ensure your recovery goes smoothly. You likely will not need to take any downtime, but you should avoid strenuous exercise.

You should also refrain from sunbathing or using hot tubs, as warm temperatures may affect your recovery. Sclerotherapy is not a permanent solution for AVMs, and your malformation may regrow after your procedure. Because of this, you may need to schedule multiple sclerotherapy treatments.

Talk with your provider about scheduling any follow-up treatments as necessary. They can monitor the size of your AVM to assess the need for additional sclerotherapy procedures.

Learn More About Your Vascular Treatment Options

Many people who may require AV malformation treatment in Rogers, AR, don’t even realize they have a condition. Understanding how your body—or more specifically, your vascular system—works is a great way to ensure you stay healthy.

If you want more information about vascular conditions and your treatment options, then stay informed with the Ozark blog. Our experts edit this blog personally, and we update the site with new posts every single month. 

Don’t miss out on vital vascular information. Read through our blog and see if you could benefit from a treatment with our team. 

Sit Down With a Vascular Specialist

Wondering if you could benefit from AV malformation treatment in Rogers, AR? Get peace of mind by sitting down with our specialists. During your in-person consultation, we can discuss your concerns and answer any questions you have.

We can also perform one of our imaging tests to get a closer look at your vascular system. Don’t hesitate—schedule a meeting with us today. The potential benefits are worth it.


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