May-Thurner Syndrome in Arkansas

May-Thurner Syndrome solution in Rogers, Arkansas

What is May-Thurner Syndrome?

May-Thurner Syndrome is a rare issue that typically occurs in a woman's left leg due to the left iliac vein being flattened.

MTS is usually only found in females between the age of 20 to 45

When the iliac vein is compressed, it can cause pain, swelling, and even varicose veins in the left leg. Pregnant women or women who are immobilized for long periods of time are often the most affected. A Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT), more commonly known as a blood clot, can materialize if left untreated.

Causes of May-Thurner Syndrome

Although rare, MTS is typically found in mother's during or after child birth that can cause pain & swelling.

When the right iliac artery crosses over the top of the left iliac vein, blood flow is restricted to the lower extremities which can cause pain, swelling, or even a DVT.

Symptoms of May-Thurner Syndrome

As MTS progresses, symptoms will begin to appear such as pain & swelling in the legs, and even varicose veins.

Commonly, at risk individuals will experience pelvis pain, lower abdominal pain, hemorrhoids, leg swelling, and worsening pain throughout the day and night.

Our Treatments

Our approach for a May-Thurner Syndrome solution in Rogers, Arkansas include:


A stenting procedure can be used as a May-Thurner Syndrome solution in Rogers at our Office Based Lab. Dr. Stout is highly capable and experienced with stenting of veins and arteries. This particular procedure would include inserting a metal mesh tubing in the vein to restore proper blood flow. This is an outpatient procedure with minimal downtime.

Angioplasty and Stenting

We serve patients from all over Northwest Arkansas, including Bentonville, Springdale, Fayetteville, and beyond.


5433 W. Walsh Lane, Suite A Rogers, Arkansas 72758

Off exit 83 from I-49 in Rogers.


  • Monday - Thursday7:30 am - 5:30 pm
  • Friday7:30 am - 5:00 pm


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