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A surgeon performs OBL Vascular Surgery in Arkansas


Explaining Our Options for OBL Vascular Surgery in Arkansas

There’s no denying it—the vascular system is complicated. This web of snaking, twisting veins and arteries supports every single organ and function of your body.. But even though the vascular system is so important, most of us don’t think about it very often.

Because of this, we can adopt bad habits that leave the vascular system to fall into disrepair. Vascular concerns can also come from genetic issues or diseases.

No matter the cause of your condition, you need an expert if you want to resolve your vascular disorder.

You don’t just need any clinic—you need an office-based lab (OBL). Visit our team at Ozark Regional Vein & Artery Center, and we can perform OBL vascular surgery in Arkansas. Let’s take a look at our available surgical procedures so you can become more familiar with your options.

Your Perfect Procedure

At Ozark, we have a variety of surgical procedures available to repair, restore, and keep your vascular system functioning as it should.

An OBL is a clinic that specializes in a specific field and uses the latest technology. We aim to be the first and last stop on your vascular treatment journey. We have all the resources to diagnose and treat your condition so you can live a healthier, happier life. 

And because Ozark is one of the top vascular care destinations in Arkansas, it’s important that we maintain a robust catalog of different procedures. No matter your venous or arterial condition, you can find solutions at Ozark Regional Vein and Artery Center.

Angioplasty & Stenting

One option we offer for OBL vascular surgery in Arkansas is the angioplasty and stenting procedure. An angioplasty removes plaque build-up from the arteries.

A shot of OBL Vascular Surgery in Arkansas

During this procedure, we’ll insert a balloon-tipped catheter into the artery. Depending on the specific artery we’re trying to treat, we’ll either enter through the groin, leg, or wrist. We will then expand the balloon to open the artery.

Our providers may use a stent to hold the artery open for easier plaque removal, and may even leave the stent in the body to maintain a healthy blood flow. The procedure is routine, and our Dr. Stout has performed countless angioplasties over the years, so you know you’re in the right hands.

Arterial Atherectomy

The arterial atherectomy is another option for patients who want to clear their arteries of hardened plaque. And as with the angioplasty procedure, the arterial atherectomy uses a catheter for the best results.

We insert the catheter into the arterial access point and snake it to the blockage. Your surgeon, Dr. Christopher Stout, will likely use ultrasound and an x-ray to find the blockage most accurately. While the angioplasty uses a balloon-tipped catheter, the arterial atherectomy uses a laser or a blade attached to the catheter.

Once Dr. Stout reaches the blockage, he will use the laser or the blade to cut away the blockage so your blood can flow freely again.

Deep Venous Stenting

Our deep venous stenting procedure treats deep vein thrombosis, or DVT, for short. DVT is another term for a venous blood clot.

These clots usually form in your legs, and they can lead to serious complications. Patients with a DVT can even have a pulmonary embolism, which can be fatal. Deep venous stenting treats DVT.

During this treatment, we’ll locate the DVT and guide a catheter to the blockage. Then, the provider will deploy the stent, which allows the blood flow to continue as usual.

Afterward, your provider will stitch up the entry incision, and you can have a friend or family member drive you home.


If you need ongoing venous care, then a mediport could be your best OBL vascular surgery in Arkansas.

A mediport is a medical appliance that our specialists will install under the skin. Our specialists will connect the mediport to your vein, so you can receive medication without an injection.

The mediport provides our specialists with easier access to your veins. No one wants a provider to stick them with needles and catheters all the time—the mediport simplifies things. During your procedure, we’ll numb the treatment area and use an x-ray to find the problematic vein.

We’ll then create an incision to reach the vein and an incision where the mediport will go beneath the skin. All that’s left to do is insert the mediport and connect it to the vein.

Two providers perform OBL Vascular Surgery in Arkansas

Then, we’ll stitch you up and let you recover from the anesthesia. Next time you come in for a venous treatment, you won’t need any more injections or catheters—we can simply administer treatment through the mediport.

Uterine Fibroid Embolization 

One last option for OBL vascular surgery in Arkansas is uterine fibroid embolization. Uterine fibroids are non-cancerous growths that appear on the walls of the uterus.

Uterine fibroid embolization can remove those growths. Treatment involves injecting tiny particles of plastic or gelatin into the artery that is supplying blood to the uterine fibroid. After we block the artery, the fibroid will begin to shrink.

After just 6 months, the decreased blood flow will cut the size of the fibroid in half. And after a year, the fibroid should be 20% of its original size. Removing fibroids can eliminate leg pain, pain during sex, constipation, anemia, and more.

Some doctors recommend an amputation without hesitation, so if you’ve been told that an amputation is your only option, come see us. We’ll give you a second opinion, and we’ll work to find a better solution.

Non-Surgical Treatments

While we have plenty of options for anyone looking for an OBL vascular surgery in Arkansas, we also have a variety of nonsurgical options. Some of our most effective nonsurgical options include treatments for varicose veins and spider veins.

These obnoxious, unsightly veins can break up the appearance of your smooth, even skin. If you want to clear away spider veins and varicose veins, consider one of the following treatments:

Whether you’re interested in a surgical or nonsurgical treatment, our providers can give you the results you need.

Limb Salvage

Arterial conditions can be extremely serious. It may lead to ulcers, loss of feeling in the feet, and even gangrene. When blockages impede blood flow to the leg, the leg can die, and you could need an amputation.the provider will need to amputate.

At Ozark Regional Vein and Artery Center, we will do anything and everything and anything to ensure that you won’t need an amputation. Amputation is a procedure that will affect the rest of your life, so we want to ensure you never undergo such a serious procedure if not absolutely necessary. 

Which treatment is right for you?

With so many different treatment options to choose from, it can be difficult to determine which one would resolve your concerns. That’s why an in-person consultation always starts the treatment process.

Before you schedule an appointment for vascular surgery at Ozark Regional Vein and Artery Center, we’ll sit down with you to discuss your goals.

We want to understand what you’re looking for out of a treatment with our team, so we can find a procedure that meets your expectations. We’ll also examine your condition to make a more informed recommendation.

Of course, you’ll also have the opportunity to raise any questions you have about our process. Before you come in for a consultation, please familiarize yourself with your medical history, as we may have questions about your current medication and past treatments.

Diagnosing Conditions With Vascular Imaging

Have you ever wondered how vascular specialists diagnose patient conditions? Many vascular disorders are not obvious from the surface of the skin, so we need to look a little deeper.

A provider discusses OBL Vascular Surgery in Arkansas

Fortunately, we have a number of different imaging options to help us diagnose your vascular concerns. 


An angiogram uses x-rays to scan the patient’s arterial system. So that the arterial system shows up better on the x-ray machine, our provider injects dye through a catheter.

This can help a provider find blockages, and it’s also an invaluable tool during procedures like the angioplasty to direct your provider in locating treatment areas. 

Ankle-Brachial Test

The Ankle-Brachial Test is a non-invasive imaging option that uses blood cuffs to measure a patient’s circulation. Using the Ankle-Brachial Index (or ABI), we can compare the blood pressure of your ankle to the blood pressure of your arm.

This helps us identify if any blockages are impeding blood flow in different areas across the body. 

Carotid Duplex

During this test, providers use an ultrasound to scan the carotid artery in your neck. If we detect any blockages or plaque in this artery, then we’ll schedule a procedure to unblock it as soon as possible.

Duplex Ultrasound

The last imaging option we offer is the duplex ultrasound. During a duplex ultrasound, our expert sonographer can scan the whole body for blockages in the abdominal, arm, leg, and carotid arteries.

Depending on your symptoms, we can scan your veins for blockages as well. Dr. Stout and our sonographer will then discuss your treatment options if needed.

Meet with Us for Your OBL Vascular Surgery

In Arkansas, you have plenty of options for vascular treatment, but why not go with the experts? When you meet with our team at our OBL, then you can experience results you can’t get anywhere else.

We understand the vascular system, and we want to help you live a life free of venous and arterial concerns.

If you think you might be a candidate for a vascular surgery, take a look at our free online tool, input the request information, and send it to our team. We’ll get back to you with a personalized recommendation for your concerns and goals.


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