Your heart is always working! In a day, your heart may pump up to 2,000 gallons of blood. As your venous system transfers all that blood across your body, it’s not unreasonable to assume that, sometimes, things can get a little mixed up.
Occasionally, your veins may become tangled, causing the blood to pool when it should be flowing. This will result in varicose veins, which are prominent, swollen blood vessels that show through the skin, so you might be eager to get rid of them as soon as possible.
Venous stripping for varicose veins is a commonly suggested treatment, but our team at Ozark Regional Vein and Artery Center has a different recommendation.
Why not try venous stripping for varicose veins?
If venous stripping for varicose veins is an effective option to remove them, why don’t we perform the procedure for our patients? For one, the aftercare process for venous stripping is long and uncomfortable.
During the venous stripping procedure, practitioners use wires to pull varicose veins out through a small incision in the leg.
The process can be painful—so much so that many practices will choose to render the patient unconscious before the procedure. While we do provide anesthetic for some of our procedures, it will only be a topical numbing agent.
And once the venous stripping treatment is complete, patients are required to complete an in-depth aftercare process, one that can last up to a full month.
A Less-Invasive Alternative
Ablation is a minimally invasive procedure that allows us to remove varicose veins without serious surgery. This process begins with a consultation, where we examine your varicose veins and decide which of our treatments will be most beneficial for you.

If we decide that ablation is your best option, we’ll schedule an appointment as soon as we can! On the day of your procedure, we’ll numb the treatment area with a local anesthetic and insert a disposable catheter. From there, we’ll use radiofrequency to heat the vein and cause it to collapse.
When the procedure is complete, you’ll be free to head home. We’d ask you to abstain from any strenuous activity, but you’ll only need to rest for a day or two and wear compression stockings for a couple weeks.
The Ozark Team
At Ozark, our team is dedicated to keeping up with modern venous treatment technology. We don’t believe in doing something just because it’s always been done that way.
We want to continue to research new procedures that offer noticeable results, all while keeping our patients safe and comfortable. We offer procedures because we believe in them and have seen the effects for ourselves.
Schedule a Varicose Vein Treatment Now
Tired of covering up your varicose veins? Don’t settle for venous stripping for varicose veins; schedule an ablation, or one of our other treatments, such as Varithena.
To get started now, take a look at our virtual consultation tool. You can answer some questions about your condition, and we’ll get to work on a custom treatment plan for you.